Cover Artwork: Delmas Howe
“Before the Storm II,” oil on canvas
Founded in 2003, the Sierra County Artists Directory is an annual publication featuring Sierra County artists, arts locations, healing artists, hot springs & spas, artful eateries, artful adventures, authors and art services. Now in its 22nd year, it is published every April with updated listings in each category.
The Artists Directory is designed to aid tourists and local people alike in connecting with the world of art in Sierra County. The City of Truth or Consequences and the Sierra County map pages are easily located near the beginning of the Directory. They are invaluable tools for locating the dozens of arts locations spread throughout the county.
As colorful and fun as the people it represents, the Artists Directory tells a story of creativity and imagination in Sierra County.
With a wide distribution throughout Sierra County and free to pick up, it's also a great place to advertise! You can find an advertisement form to download HERE.
Artists from the county are invited to submit art for the annual front cover competition. If you are interested in showing your art as the front cover design you can find out how to do so HERE.
To view or download a copy of the most recent Artists Directory in .pdf format click HERE.
You may also download the 2023 Artist Directory.
The 2024 Artists Directory is available at locations in Truth or Consequences and around Sierra County.

Lois Smith, 2003

Roy Lohr, 2004

Betty Ann Pedersen, 2005

Barbara Massengill, 2006

Holly Marino, 2007

David Lamb, 2008

Delmas Howe, 2009

Ela Brickson, 2010

Susan Todd, 2011

Stacy Jo Harms, 2012

Nolan Winkler, 2012

Michael Thompson, 2013

Misha Martin, 2013

Dave Barnett, 2014

Reed Rische, 2015

Susan Noreen, 2016

Joan Kwieciski, 2017

Sue Soaring Sun, 2018

Nolan Winkler, 2019

Carol Plec, 2020

Joanne Long, 2022

Bryan Steward, 2023

Delmas Howe, 2024